Honey! Honey! Honey! Get Your Honey!


Last night I participated in a blog on Facebook called the Paleo Approach Community (Paleo Living for Autoimmune Disease). It is a great group and they all have really good ideas. A lady asked the members what is going on with her because she is having symptoms of dry eyes, hives, and killer headaches. Now by all means I am not a doctor (working on a PhD but in education not medicine). But from the research I have read these types of symptoms are often triggered by the food we eat, pesticides, chemicals in stuff, or it could be just outside allergies to pollen, trees, etc.

So I commented about how I cured my allergies! Yes I said cured. On top of eating clean, non GMO, grass fed, antibiotic free, and of course organic food. I also have implemented the allergy cure. And it is not allergy shots or antihistamine. It is Local Raw Organic Honey. So I got a lot of questions about my organic honey last night. Key words include Local Raw Organic Honey! You can usually find this in a local health food store near you or if you are rural check around for a local bee farmer. Here where I live on the emerald coast I purchase mine from our local health food store which they get their batches from a local farmer just north of us. I like the farmers that put the honey in glass jars. I have done my research and this is the best storage for it see this website for other helpful tips on how to store honey http://www.hiveandhoneyapiary.com/honeystoragetips.html

When I first started using local raw organic honey I ate about a tsp of it a day. Now honey is such a regular part of my diet. I use it in a lot of things throughout the day so I am not having to just eat a tsp of it unless I want too! For instance today it was in my coffee (vanilla coffee cream) and it was mixed in my overnight oats. I will tell you I do not have any problems with allergies any more. I cannot tell you the last time I had to go to the Doctor because I had a sinus infection, an ear infection, or any of that other junk. The raw local honey has changed my life and I have other friends and family that stand by it too.

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